Järve Baro Edler von Helle Berge nickname: " Zerda " Born: 8.4.2001 in Germany (Berlin) Breeder: Thomas Warneke Color: tricolor Height: 38 cm Allowed to sire: 8.7.2002 Titels: Czech champion, Czech young Champion, Poland champion, CACIB 2x, CAJC 5x, CAC CZ 3x, CAC SK 2x,VDH-CHA 2x, CWC 2x, Res.CACIB 1x, Res. CAC SK 2x, Res.CAC CZ 1x, Res. VDH - CHA 1x, Young winner, BOB 3x, BIG 4. 1x, Young winner Wieselburg 2002, Prag winner 2002, National winner Brno 2002, 3. Champion of the Champions 2002 Exams: BZH I.Prize 244 Points, CACIT, CACT, Res.CACT
! Champion of the Champions 2002 ! 3. Place in the group 6. - Hounds
Zeryk at the shows: IHA Bratislava 2003 NHA Brno 2002 V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, 4.BIG V1, CAC, National winner
Jugde: Pitonak, SK Jugde Krejzkova, CZ
IHA Praha 2002 IHA Wieselburg 2002 V1,CAJC, BOB, 2.BIG V1, Junior winner, BOB, Junior winner of the all show
Jugde: Simek, CZ Jugde: Csaba Borsfai, H
IHA Wroclaw, 2003 V1, CWC Jugde: Wierzchowska, PL
Zerda in everyday life:
Zerda at the exams:
Zerda´s offsprings: 27.11.2002 Asta Rychlonozka 2x females tricolor, 4x females harepeid, 1x female bicolor, 2x males harepeid 30.1.2003 Daisy Inty Raimy 1x male bicolor, 4x males tricolor, 3x females tricolor 2.4.2003 Xandy Tergy 2x males bicolor, 1 x females bicolor, 4x females tricolor 11.5.2003 Undine Pale Rapa - Nui 3x females bicolor,3x females tricolor 6.6.2003 OK Rapa - Nui 1x female bicolor, 2x male tricolor, 5x females tricolor 9.7.2003 Magic Star Tergy, 2x male bicolor, 1x female bicolor, 4x female tricolor 4.8.2003 Viki Blek 1x female tricolor, 2x female bicolor 11.1.2004 Asta Rychlonozka 5x males tricolor, 2x males bicolor, 2 x females harepeid, 1x male harepeid 10.8.2004 Orka Z Vrbove Lhoty, 1x females tricolor, 5 x males tricolor